Diplomatic Visa

Issuance of Diplomatic/Official Visas to foreign diplomats/officials and their dependent family members

Diplomatic visas are granted by the Canadian government to recognised diplomats and officials of other nations who are in the nation on business. The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which describes the rights and privileges of diplomats and diplomatic missions, is followed in the granting of these visas.

The issuance of diplomatic and official visas to foreign diplomats and their dependent family members is governed by international treaties, agreements, and the laws and regulations of the host country. Diplomatic or official visas are typically provided to diplomats and officials representing foreign governments in order to facilitate their access into the host nation for the purpose of performing official duties.

Who can apply for diplomatic visa?

In Canada, diplomatic visas are typically issued to individuals who are accredited diplomats, consular officers, or other officials representing foreign governments and are visiting the country for official purposes. Generally, diplomatic visas are granted to:

All non-nationals with diplomatic/official/service passports must apply for a diplomatic or official visa by submitting visa applications online at indianfrro.gov.in/mea. Paper visa applications are not permitted. An email or SMS notification is sent once the visa is approved.

Here are some main features of diplomatic visas: